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1. George Woodwell, Scientist Who Helped Shape Environmental Policy, Dies at 95

The founder of the renowned Woods Hole Research Center in Massachusetts, he was not afraid to leverage credible scientific findings to influence public attitudes and government strategy.
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2. Videos Show That Leeches Can Jump in Pursuit of Blood

There has long been anecdotal evidence of the wormy creatures taking to the air, but videos recorded in Madagascar at last prove the animals’ acrobatics.
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3. Leaping Leeches! Watch These Bloodsuckers Jump.

There has long been anecdotal evidence of the wormy creatures taking to the air, but videos recorded in Madagascar at last prove the animals’ acrobatics.
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4. Penn Bans Encampments After Wave of Campus Protests Over War in Gaza

The new rules, which would also significantly rein in demonstrations at the university in other ways, come on the heels of a nationwide wave of student activism against Israel’s actions in Gaza.
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5. U.C. Berkeley’s Leader, a Free Speech Champion, Has Advice for Today’s Students: Tone It Down

“Just because you have the right to say something doesn’t mean it’s right to say,” said Carol Christ, who is retiring as chancellor at the end of this month.
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6. Oldest Shipwreck Discovered Off Coast of Israel

About a mile beneath the sea, the ship suggests that trade in the eastern Mediterranean Sea traveled much farther from the safety of land.
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7. Lokiceratops, a Horned Dinosaur, May Be a New Species

Researchers analyzed a skull found in Montana of a plant-eating member of the ceratops family, finding distinct traits.
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8. What Happened When Brooklyn Tried to Integrate Its Middle Schools

A new report found that many schools enrolled more racially and socioeconomically diverse groups of students without sparking a major exodus of families from public schools.
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9. What’s the Best City for New College Graduates?

A recent study ranked 100 of the largest U.S. cities based on median rents, job opportunities and social metrics.
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10. How to Make 3,000-Year-Old Beer

An amateur brewer in Utah gathered rare figs and a strain of yeast from 850 B.C. to make a sour, fruity concoction inspired by ancient Egyptian recipes.
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11. What Happened When Brooklyn Tried to Integrate Its Middle Schools

A new report found that many schools enrolled more racially and socioeconomically diverse groups of students without sparking a major exodus of families from public schools.
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12. Una escuela con 7 alumnos: el movimiento de las microescuelas

Estos colegios privados suelen abrir cuatro o cinco días a la semana, con profesores de tiempo completo, y planes de estudios fijos. Están recibiendo impulso financiero de los contribuyentes.
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13. Ancient Shipwreck Preserves a Deep Bronze Age Time Capsule

About a mile beneath the sea, the ship suggests that trade in the eastern Mediterranean Sea traveled much farther from the safety of land.
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14. Louisiana Requires All Public Classrooms to Display Ten Commandments

A law signed by Gov. Jeff Landry on Wednesday makes the state the only one with such a mandate. Critics have vowed to mount a constitutional challenge.
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15. Louisiana Requires Ten Commandments to Be Displayed in Every Public Classroom

A law signed by Gov. Jeff Landry on Wednesday makes the state the only one with such a mandate. Critics have vowed to mount a constitutional challenge.
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16. Beluga Whales Are Rescued From Ukrainian War Zone to New Home in Spain

A pair of whales were extricated from the besieged city of Kharkiv and taken to an aquarium in Spain with help from experts around the world.
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17. Ilya Sutskever, OpenAI Co-Founder Who Helped Oust Sam Altman, Starts His Own Company

Ilya Sutskever’s new start-up, Safe Superintelligence, aims to build A.I. technologies that are smarter than a human but not dangerous.
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18. How Has a Ban on Smartphones in Schools Affected You?

We want to hear from you — students, parents and teachers — about a growing push to limit smartphone usage in schools.
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19. How Our Brain Produces Language and Thought, According to Neuroscientists

A group of neuroscientists argue that our words are primarily for communicating, not for reasoning.
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20. South Africa Runs Out of Insulin Pens as Global Supply Shifts to Weight-Loss Drugs

The shortage highlights a widening gulf in the standard of care for people with diabetes, most of whom live in low-income countries.
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