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Free English Courses by MYITEDU

About the Program

As part of our commitment to giving back to society, MYITEDU, led by Jon Toshmatov, is offering free English courses to those who cannot afford them. This initiative aims to provide equal opportunities for everyone to learn and improve their English language skills. Our courses are designed to be accessible and convenient, with classes conducted online via Zoom once a week.

Course Details

  • Platform: Zoom
  • Frequency: Once a week (Live class)
  • Cost: Free of charge


MYITEDU provides these courses as a charitable service to the public. Therefore, MYITEDU does not assume responsibility for any student's personal progress. Since this is a free service, it comes with no obligations, warranties, or guarantees regarding outcomes. Each registered student is responsible for their own attendance and progress. Complaints or claims about service satisfaction will not be entertained as this is a complimentary service.

Student Responsibilities

In return for this free education, we kindly ask our students to support MYITEDU by:

  • Sharing, liking, and commenting on our online social media content.
  • Recommending our services to others.

Course Description

The English 101 class is tailored for foreign audiences and focuses on foundational English skills. The course covers basic English grammar and aims to improve students' verbal, writing, and reading abilities.

Brief Syllabus for English 101

  • Week 1: Introduction to English
    • Overview of the course
    • Basic greetings and introductions
    • Common phrases and expressions
  • Week 2: Basic Grammar
    • Understanding sentence structure
    • Introduction to nouns, pronouns, and verbs
    • Simple present tense
  • Week 3: Building Vocabulary
    • Everyday vocabulary
    • Common adjectives and adverbs
    • Vocabulary building exercises
  • Week 4: Verb Tenses
    • Simple past tense
    • Simple future tense
    • Practice with verb conjugation
  • Week 5: Conversational Skills
    • Practice dialogues
    • Role-playing common scenarios
    • Improving pronunciation and intonation
  • Week 6: Reading Comprehension
    • Reading short passages
    • Understanding main ideas and details
    • Answering comprehension questions
  • Week 7: Writing Skills
    • Writing simple sentences and paragraphs
    • Basic punctuation and capitalization
    • Writing practice exercises
  • Week 8: Review and Practice
    • Review of all topics covered
    • Interactive Q&A session
    • Practice exercises and feedback

We are excited to offer these free English courses and look forward to helping our students improve their language skills. By participating, students will not only gain valuable knowledge but also contribute to a supportive and engaged community. Thank you for choosing MYITEDU for your educational journey.

A welcome letter from Jon in Uzbek

Mening ismim Jon Toshmatov va men MYITEDU New York dasturiy ta'minot va IT o'quv kompaniyasining asoschisiman. Sizlarning har biringizni bepul Ingliz tili 101 onlayn darsimizga xush kelibsiz demoqchiman.

Hozirda faol ro‘yxatdan o‘tgan talabalar soni 50 ga yaqinlashmoqda. Yagona talabalar soni 100 ga yetganda, bizning birinchi darsimiz qachon boshlanishini e'lon qilaman.

Mana bizning Zoom havolamiz:

Darslarimiz har shanba kuni Nyu-York vaqti bilan soat 10:00 da va Toshkent vaqti bilan kechki payt soat 19:00 da bo‘lib o‘tadi.

Aytganimdek, talabalar soni 100 ga yetganda boshlanish sanasini e'lon qilaman!

Bu orada, mana bu havolada barcha darsliklar mavjud bo‘lib, ularni o‘qishni boshlashingizni istayman:

Kitob/Darsliklar O'qish Markazi

Bizning talabimiz MYITEDUning Instagram sahifasida (@MYITEDU) faol qatnashish, videolarga like quyish, kommentariyalar qoldirish va boshqalar bilan ulashish.

Email bizning asosiy aloqa usulimiz bo‘ladi va biz Instagram’ni ham muhim e'lonlar uchun ishlatamiz.


Hurmat bilan,

Jon Toshmatov
Bruklin, NY, AQSh